Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1883 - 1967)
Joseph H. Pilates was born in Germany. A sickly child who suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever, he dedicated his entire life to becoming physically stronger.
Pilates studied and became proficient at bodybuilding, diving, skiing, and gymnastics and became fascinated by the ideal of a man balanced in body, mind and spirit and began to develop his own exercise system based on this concept.
In 1912 Pilates moved to England where he earned a living initially as a boxer, and a self-defence trainer for detectives at Scotland Yard. Two years after World War I broke out, Joe was interned as an "enemy alien" with other german nationals at a camp in Lancaster and later on the Isle of Man. Pilates became a nurse in the camp and trained other internees in physical fitness exercises he developed. He rigged springs to hospital beds, enabling bedridden patients to exercise against resistance, an innovation that led to his later equipment designs. He was widely credited when none of the inmates succumbed to an influenza epidemic that killed thousands of others in England in 1918. This he claimed testified to the effectiveness of his system.
After the war, Pilates continued his fitness programs when German officials asked him to teach his methods to the army, he decided to leave Germany for good. Pilates immigrated to the United States in 1926 and during the voyage he met Clara Zeuner who he later married and the couple founded a studio in New York City, which is still in operation to this day.
Pilates and his method, which they called "Contrology" soon established a following in the dance community and well known dancers became his devotees and sent their own students to him for training. Later on athletes and other performing artist studied under this Method.
Pilates practiced what he preached and lived a long, healthy life. Joe died at the age of 87. When he passed away, he left no will and left no designated line of succession for the Pilates work to carry on. Nevertheless, his work remained and eventually flourished in large part due to his protégés, referred to as the "elders".
The popularity of the Pilates Method among those who depend on keeping fit and healthy is a clear indicator of its effectiveness. It restores the natural balance, it is easy and safe it tones muscles, improves posture, and helps prevent bone deterioration.
The exercises stimulate the circulatory system, oxygenating the blood aiding lymphatic drainage and leasing endorphins that are responsible for the "feel good" factor.
The immune system is given a boost to provide a greater resistance to disease and illness.
Joe once claimed "I am fifty years ahead of my time". He was right.
"Perfect balance of body and mind is that quality in civilised man which not only gives him superiority over the savage and animal kingdom, but furnishes him with all the physical and mental powers that are indispensable for attaining the goal of humankind - Health and Happines" - Joseph H. Pilates