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When we are not healthy, we are less than our best.

Writer's picture: Lisa Lisa

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Living in these unprecedented times, we have the luxury to really look at our health, at our wellbeing, re-evaluating, what do we want from life, from ourselves and from those around us. What will be our "new" "normal"... Lets start with becoming an active participant in our own health care, in fact lets be the leader of our own health-care team.

We're used to having a symptom, taking a drug, and seeing the symptom disappear. Nutrients work differently, for one they generally work in combination, much like the way they are found in nature. For some they work slowly and more subtly, repairing the mechanisms that caused the symptom in the first place, but getting to the root of the problem as they say.

Natural medicine or nutritional medicine works by treating the whole body as a system.

Its not a philosophy based on taking a pill to suppress a symptom, its about healing the condition that caused the symptom in the first place. Generally this involves an entire prescription for healing that can be as simple as taking the correct vitamins and ensuring they get absorbed into our system through the gut, but more typically it combines lifestyle, nutrition, physical, psychological and even spiritual components, so definitely not your conventional "cure"

Natural treatments can make a huge difference in your health, they can address certain metabolic conditions and block pathways that can contribute to illness. That means a healthy body, mind and spirit. Western medicine has worked wonders, its extraordinary when we consider the breakthroughs that have occurred. However this approach does not always work for everyone, sometimes the side effects of drugs cause worse complications, for instance, illnesses related to stress are more and more common and rapidly rising.

Modern medicine does not have a cure for stress and as it does not acknowledge the influence of our mental and emotional state on our physical wellbeing. Yet research shows us, that up to 70 percent of patient visits to the doctor are for stress related illnesses and this can leave us with a void in our relationship with our bodies.

In the east, we find a very different approach, far from seeing the body as a machine, people view it as energy system. Its interesting to know that this understanding is far older than the Western model, it dates back to at least 5,000 years and has proved to be extremely effective in curing illness and disease. In other words in understanding that our

phycho-emotional state affects us physically, our feelings and thoughts are linked to specific parts of our body, so then what are our symptoms and illnesses telling us about ourselves and how can unresolved emotional and psychological issues affect our physical health.

Medicine is beginning to see that the origin of disease cannot be spoken of without including lifestyle, diet, social milieu, the environment, and perhaps most interestingly, consciousness and our emotions.

Please know I am not saying medicine doesn't work, I am simply saying by understanding how the mind and body work together and understanding the relationship, we can understand ourselves more deeply and claim a greater role in our own well-being.

We owe it to ourselves and to everyone around us, to be the fullest expression of who we are. Starting with a healthy mind, body and spirit, and not settling for anything less.

Enjoy the journey.

"Western medicine doesn't hold all the answers. Healing cannot always be described in numbers." - Mehmet C. Oz, M.D

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