Daily Green detox juice;
The Cleanser smoothie
Coconut water
Fresh lemon juice
Glowing skin with greens;
Fresh root ginger, peeled
1 lemon, peeled
a small handful of flat-leaf parsley
a handful of spinach leaves
romaine lettuce, outer leaves removed
1 pear
1 cucumber
Adjust your quantities to suite your needs to make more or less juice.
Benefits of your ingredients;
Ginger, stimulates the liver, cleanse and aids in respiratory
Lemon, anti inflammatory, liver cleanser and helps alkalise your pH levels
Parsley, a great kidney cleanser and stimulator and Chlorophyll Rich and full of energy
Spinach, for a healthy Cardiovascular system
Romaine lettuce, for glowing skin - yes really!
Pears, excellent for your digestive system and filled with natural sweetness
Cucumber, aids in hydration and great for skin and nails.
Dr Oz's Swimsuit slimdown drink
1 cup Grapefruit, orange or pineapple juice (fresh)
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp honey
Drink before each meal...breaks down fat cells faster than anything else.
3 Powerful POWDERS to add to any juice or smoothie with excellent results and health benefits;
Spirulina - a blue green algae protein, boasting B-complex vitamins, beta - carotene, vitamin E, carotenoids, maganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, GLA, and essential fatty acid. Spirulina is a a wonderful anti-inflammatory, immune and brain booster.
MSM - MSM is a abbreviation for methyl-sulfonyl-methane. MSM is wonderful to increase the body's ability to flush out toxins and excess fluids. It improves circulation and joint flexibility, reduces stiffness, pain and swelling. It is a fantastic beauty supplement for ladies, it produces wonderful quantities of collagen and keratin, which is amazing for hair, skin and nails.
L-Glutamine - a great supplement for your gut and digestion.

EAT well
MOVE daily
SLEEP lots
LOVE your body