My love for essential oils started back in 2009 studying at the Institute of Natural Health with Dr Debbie Fawell & Hilda, and its been a fascinating journey of learning and discovering all the healing benefits essential oils has to offer.
Did you know the use of essential oils and natural aromatic botanicals promote and maintain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being?
Apart from something that just smells nice, their individual chemical compositions and aromas provide psychological and physical therapeutic benefits which can be achieved through inhalation, topical application, and ingestion. Depending on the desired outcome they can be used as a single oil or in a complex blend of oils.
Each single oil is used for many divers purposes, for example Peppermint oil is an anti-inflammatory and used to treat rheumatism and arthritis and is prescribed in Natural Health for the relief of discomfort in the digestive system, among many other ailments. Knowing the pure product and using it with understanding, one cannot but admire and respect their ability to operate effectively not only on the cellular, physical level but in the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic areas of our lives. If anything in this world is holistic, essential oils are.
If you are new to essential oils, the best way to experience the power of essential oils is by diffusing oils daily in your home. There are hundreds of recipes to try, and fall in love with, and I am excited to share a few of my favourites;
Clean & Fresh Home
2 drops of Citrus fresh
3 drops of Lemon
Afternoon Wake-up
3 drops of Lemon
3 drops of Peppermint
2 drops of Frankincense
2 drops of Lemon
1 drop of Peppermint
Seasonal Comfort
3 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Lemon
3 drops of Peppermint
Fresh Kitchen
3 drops of Lemon
2 drops of Purification
2 drops of Frankincense
2 drops of Lemon
2 drops of Peppermint
Another favourite way to use the oils are in a bath or morning shower.
Peppermint and Eucalyptus for the morning and Lavender and Geranium for the evening. One drop of each on a face-cloth and wipe it over your body, once you have washed.
I find it sets me up for the day ahead and settles me well in the evening. I have so many personal favourites and wish I could share them all with you if space and time allowed but here are a few more.
* Peppermint and Geranium is a wonderful blend for that "Monday" feeling.
* Grapefruit and Lavender for a nice long soak in the tub.
* Ylang ylang, Melissa, Bergamot - a balancing tonic for the nervous system
Please always remember when using topical application, to mix / dilute with a nut or vegetable oil (Carrier oil). A favourite is Jojoba oil and Evening Primrose oil. When I have run out, I mix in a little bit of Coconut oil.
Basic Travel Kit
Colds Travel Sickness
Eucalyptus, Ginger, Thyme Ginger, Peppermint Geranium.
Exhaustion Physical Headaches Chamolile, Lavender, Peppermint, Geranium Lavender
Jet Lag
Lavender, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Grapefruit.
Tummy Troubles Stuffy Nose
Ginger, Lavender, Chamomile, Peppermint Tea Tree, Rosemary
Peppermint, Lavender, Ginger
Interview / Exam Formula
8 drops of Grapefruit
5 drops of Basil
5 drops of Bergamot
2 drops of Lavender
Inhale the aroma, or add in bath or onto a face-cloth in shower and use before going for a interview or exam.
Essential oils are one of the great untapped resources of the world, providing protection and pleasure without polluting ourselves and our environment with chemicals.

Find something that makes you HAPPY and used it to make others HAPPY - natural life.