We suffer from a kind of fatigue that is like a sickness which in time leads to a condition of painful tiredness.
In modern times our normal rhythm of life has been turned upside-down.
So the question is; How do we find balance in our lives? What can we do to cope with stress better? Do we need more nourishment? We already know the importance of what we eat and drink and how it may also be triggering negative feelings and will impact our mood, anxiety, energy and concentration.
From time to time we all need a little spurring on, and someone to reach out and remind us to take better care of ourselves, that we matter and we should be feeling our best everyday regardless of what life throws at us.
So may I recommend eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrains such as brown rice and fibre, beans and lentils, and keeping up your, intake of fish and chicken to boost omega-3 essential fats found in oily fish and flax seeds. In addition taking a good quality B vitamin. a Daily B complex or a high strength multivitamin is important to help the body cope with stress and it really does make a difference. I found that if I stick to taking my vitamins everyday at the same exact time, over time, once my body starts to feel the consistency and the rhythm of my daily intake, I start feeling a definite change, a shift in my wellbeing. I can feel my body responding and coping better, I feel better, not only in my body but also in mind and spirit.
If feeling particularly stressed, in addition a good quality magnesium supplement will help to relax both body and mind, taken in the evening, generally an hour or so before bed every evening consistently.
Having your adrenal glands checked by a medical professional will definitely be a good idea. Your adrenal glands, which sit on top of the kidneys, produce hormones that help us cope with the ups and downs of life. Classic signs of adrenal fatigue are, feeling tired on waking, unable to cope with stress and experiencing sudden mood swings and general anxiety.
Supporting normal, healthy adrenal function with certain nutrients and herbs can definitely help. The adaptogenic herbs Chinese ginseng and ashwaganda is great for times of stress. Ashwaganda is a personal favourite and I usually buy it in powder form and add it to my smoothie especially in times of stress, but always check with your medical professional first before taking any herbs as it can or may have an affect on certain medications or conditions.
There are great ways we can bring ourselves back to balance.
Balancing our energy by eating a whole food diet, (although I am not a big promoter on diet types and trends). I do believe in a natural diet and everything in moderation and being mindful of what we eat and drink.
Taking a good supplement in vitamins and minerals - how do we identify a good-quality vitamin supplement? As with most things, you pay for the quality so, within reason price is a good place to start. Cheap supplements are usually cheap for a reason - cheap forms of nutrients and low amounts are used. A good quality supplement should always contain at least 25mg of each of the B vitamins and 10mg of zinc. A reputable company will also list all ingredients and state that the product is free from colourings and undesirable additives, so always, always check the fine print.
Exercise and good sleep. (as we all know) but to boost a good nights sleep, I found going to bed early and a light yoga practice, stretching and some deep breathing helps me.
a Daily outside activity, walking, running, cycling, and mindful deep breathing while out and about getting some fresh air does have amazing benefits on mind body and spirit.
And of course last but not least, practising gratitude and maintaining a positive attitude.
Also I believe having a cat, reduces feelings of stress... So I am off to find myself a little kitten to adopt.
The habits you practice daily will either help or hinger your wellbeing. - VITA VIE RETREAT.